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List of genes:



GAGE2A (official gene symbol)

Other symbol: 


CT family: 


CT identifier: 


Aliases from NCBI:

CT4.2 , GAGE2 , MGC120097 , MGC96883 , MGC96930 , MGC96942

Unified entry for genes GAGE1, GAGE12B, GAGE12C, GAGE12D, GAGE12E, GAGE12F, GAGE12G, GAGE12H, GAGE12I, GAGE12J, GAGE13, GAGE2A, GAGE4, GAGE5, GAGE6, GAGE7, GAGE8 (nearly-identical copies)

Sixteen complete GAGE genes are found at Xp11.23. Two groups of eight GAGE genes are separated by a 50kb gap in the genomic sequence.

GAGE has been reported to be expressed in a wide range of tumors at the mRNA level. GAGE has been reported to be expressed in lung and melanocytic cancers at the protein level.

Spontaneous humoral and cellular responses against GAGE have been detected in cancer patients.

The function of GAGE is unknown.