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TSPY1F (non-official gene symbol)

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Unified entry for genes TSPY1, LOC728137, TSPY1D, TSPY1E, TSPY1F, TSPY1G, TSPY1H, TSPY1I, TSPY2 (nearly-identical copies)

The CTpedia entry for TSPY1 refers to a unified entry for TSPY1, LOC728137, TSPY1D-H, TSPY11 and TSPY2 which are nearly identical gene copies.

LICR validation studies in normal tissues show that TSPY1 mRNA is highly expressed and restricted to testis.

TSPY1 has been reported to be expressed in hepatobiliary and testicular cancers at the mRNA level. TSPY1 has been reported to be expressed in normal testis, and in ovarian and testicular cancers at the protein level.

Spontaneous humoral, but not cellular, responses against TSPY1 have been detected in cancer patients. There are no reports of immunization with TSPY1.

The function of TSPY1 is unknown, but it has been reported to play an important role in the control of cell cycle progression, cell proliferation and tumorigenesis.