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List of genes:

Immune response


FAM46D (official gene symbol)

Other symbol: 


CT family: 

CT 112 

CT identifier: 

CT 112

Humoral immune response

Spontaneous humoral immune responses against FAM46 were described in cancer patients.

Tumor type Tumor stage Frequency Antibody detection methodology PMID
Colon carcinoma 0/18 (0%)ELISA19540335
Glioblastoma 1/25 (4%)ELISA19540335
Lung carcinoma 1/19 (5%)ELISA19540335
Cervical carcinoma 0/31 (0%)ELISA19540335

Cellular immune response

There are no published reports of spontaneous cellular immune responses against FAM46 in cancer patients.

Induced immune response

There are no published reports that evaluated induced immune responses in patients vaccinated with FAM46.