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List of genes:

Immune response


SPANXB1 (official gene symbol)

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Unified entry for genes SPANXB1, SPANXB2 (nearly-identical copies)

Humoral immune response

Antibodies against SPAN-X were detected in sera of cancer patients by Western blot (Westbrook et al., 2000).

Cellular immune response

SPAN-XB-derived peptides can elicit a consistent CD8 T cell response in healthy donors and patients with multiple myeloma (Frank et al., 2008 PMID: 18398747).

“In vitro” immunizations with SPANX-B-treated dendritic cells generate both helper CD4+ T and cytolytic CD8+ T cells. SPANX-B-specific CD8+ T cells generated from normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes can recognize and efficiently kill the HLA-matched human primary melanomas (Almanzar et al., 2009 PMID: 19276289).

Induced immune response

There are no published reports that evaluated induced immune responses in patients vaccinated with SPANXB1.