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ODF1 (official gene symbol)

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RefSeq :

Cellular localization

Subcellular Localization Cell type Methodology PMID
flagellum spermatocyte Western blot 8305202

Protein function and interaction

ODF1 is a component of the outer dense fibers (ODF) of spermatozoa, located on the outside of the axoneme in the midpiece and principal piece of the mammalian sperm tail and may help to maintain the passive elastic structures and elastic recoil of the sperm tail (Gastmann et al., 1993 PMID: 8305202). ODF1 interacts with ODF2, Spag4, Spag5 and OIP1 (Zarsky et al., 2003 PMID: 12533418 by similarity). Cdk5 phosphorylates ODF1, enhancing ODF1-OIP1 interaction (Rosales et al., 2007 PMID: 17762160 by similarity).