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List of genes:



CCNA1 (official gene symbol)

Other symbol: 

cyclin A1

CT family: 


CT identifier: 


RefSeq :

Cellular localization

Subcellular Localization Cell type Methodology PMID
cytoplasmic and nucleous embryonal carcinoma IHC 14696091
nucleus spermatocyte IHC 14696091
cytoplasm teratoma, yolk sac carcinoma and choriocarcinoma IHC 14696091

Protein function and interaction

The cyclin family members and their partners, the CDK kinases, control of the cell cycle. Cyclin A1 plays an essential role in male gametogenesis, acting at G1/S and G2/M transitions. Cyclin A1 associates with CDK2 (Yang et al.,1997 PMID: 9041194) and the complex phosphorylates the Rb family of proteins and E2F-1 (Yang et al., 1999 PMID: 10022926). Cyclin A1 contributes to G1/S cell cycle progression in somatic cells, as well (Ji et al., 2005 PMID:15829981).