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List of genes:

Immune response


PRAME (official gene symbol)

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CT family: 


CT identifier: 


Humoral immune response

There are no published reports of spontaneous humoral immune responses against PRAME in cancer patients.

Cellular immune response

PRAME antigen is recognized by autologous cytolyticT lymphocytes (CTL) on HLA class I molecules (Ikeda et al., 1997 PMID: 9047241). CD8 T-cell responses against PRAME were detected directly “ex vivo” in melanoma and leukemia patients (Griffioen et al., 2006 PMID: 16707612; Rezvani et al., 2009 PMID: 18988867). Quintarelli et al., 2011 (PMID: 21278353) were able to generate high avidity CTLs from healthy donors and patients with CML, AML and lymphomas, with anti-tumor activity against HLA-A*02+ PRAME+ tumor cell lines and primary leukemic blasts.

Induced immune response

There are no published reports that evaluated induced immune responses in patients vaccinated with PRAME.