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List of genes:

Immune response


ACRBP (official gene symbol)

Other symbol: 


CT family: 


CT identifier: 


Aliases from NCBI:

OY-TES-1 , SP32

Humoral immune response

Spontaneous humoral immune responses against ACRBP have been observed in cancer patients.

Tumor type Tumor stage Frequency Antibody detection methodology PMID
Ovarian cancer 1/10 (10%)ELISA16964386
Bladder cancer 3/58 (5%)ELISA11248070
Liver cancer 10/95 (10%)ELISA11248070
Colon cancer 6/58 (10%)ELISA11248070
Prostate cancer 3/85 (3%)ELISA11248070
Lung cancer 3/66(4%)ELISA11248070

Cellular immune response

The HLA-A24-binding OY-TES-1 peptide, TES(401-409) was recognized by CD8 T- after stimulation of lymphocytes in vitro (Okumura et al., 2005 PMID: 16301813).

Induced immune response

There are no published reports that evaluated induced immune responses in patients vaccinated with ACRBP.