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HEMGN (official gene symbol)

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Gene Identification

HEMGN was identified by molecular methods (Yang et al., 2001 PMID:11404085) and was characterized as a cancer-testis gene by Liu et al., 2013 PMID:23436708.

Gene structure and chromosomal localization

The human HEMGN was mapped to chromosome 9q22 fluorescence in situ hybridization (Yang et al., 2003 PMID:14648837).

Two distinct splicing variants of HEMGN mRNA with restricted expression to hematopoietic cells (HEMGN-h) and to round spermatids in the testis (HEMGN-t) were characterized. The genomic sequence encoding HEMGN-h mRNA extends for approximately 18 kb and is composed of 4 exons and 3 introns. The exons comprise 292, 94, 1187, and 683 bp, whereas the introns comprise 1795, 4951, and 2258 bp, respectively. In the HEMGN-t isoform, an additional 54-bp upstream exon (designated exon 1t) is spliced to exon 1, resulting in the removal of a 6.6-kb intron (Yang et al., 2003 PMID:14648837).

Chromosome band: 9q22.33

See this gene in the NCBI Map Viewer Genome Browser :

Exon-intron structure and splicing variants

Splicing variants documented by RefSeqs: