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List of genes:

Immune response


XAGE1 (official gene symbol)

Other symbol: 


CT family: 


CT identifier: 


Aliases from NCBI:


Unified entry for genes XAGE1, XAGE1B, XAGE1C, XAGE1D, XAGE1E (nearly-identical copies)

Humoral immune response

Spontaneous humoral immune responses against XAGE1 have been detected in cancer patients.

Tumor type Tumor stage Frequency Antibody detection methodology PMID
Prostate carcinoma 1/20(5%)Detection of protein in M13 phage14747957
Lung carcinoma 8/32(25%)SEREX14696120
Prostate carcinoma 0/149(0%)ELISA15905609
Prostate carcinoma 2/129(1.5%)ELISA15905609
Non small cell lung carcinoma 8/87 (9%)ELISA22922091

Cellular immune response

Zhou et al., 2008 (PMID: 18803763) observed the induction of XAGE-1b-specific CTLs against lung cancer cells obtained directly from patients with NSCLC using DCs pulsed with full-length XAGE-1b.

Induced immune response

There are no published reports that evaluated induced immune responses in patients vaccinated with XAGE1.

Immunogen PMID
DCs pulsed with full-length XAGE-1b